How To Draw Mario Pixel Art

How To Draw Mario Pixel Art

Hey friend, we going to draw Mario yeah we're going to use pixel art to draw Mario and we're also going to use this guide so parents and adults you can click the link below this video to download and print this out before you start the lesson you ready to start yes once you print this out you can draw directly on this piece of paper or you can use it as a guide underneath your paper we're going to use our marker paper since we're drawing with markers and see when we put the paper on top of it you can still see the grid showing

through then when we're all done we can remove the grid so that you can only see the drawing when we're finished let's flip over our paper and line up the grid so it's in the center and we'll use a piece of tape at the very top to hold the paper in place so that it doesn't move when we're drawing we can flip the paper back over and piece of tape for you nice job all lined up and flip it over instead of drawing an outline for Mario we'll color in each of the pixels the color that

they're supposed to be so let's first start with the shoes and we're using our art for kids Hub markers if you have the same set and want to use the same colors we're using number 94 but you could also use a different brand and just pick a color that's similar it's a darker brown you could also use a different Art Supply alog together like color pencils or even crayons we're going to start down here in the bottom left corner of our paper and we'll count over two pixels we're going to leave those blank

and then we're going to color in the next pixel so we counted over two and then the next one we colored in I outlined it and then you can color it in then we're going to draw or color in three more pixels to the right I'm outlining it first and then coloring it in you could just color them solid or whatever is easiest for you now let's count over four pixels in the middle we're going to leave these blank in between this is the bottom of a shoe we're going to leave four pixels blank and then we'll color in for over

here for his other shoe now let's draw up one pixel from the inside of a shoe this is for the next layer then we'll draw over to the left three pixels and then down let's do the same thing over here on the side we'll draw up from the inside over to the right three pixels and down one let's color that Row in next we're switching to our blue marker let's keep the brown close because we'll use this also for Mario's Hair we're going to start here on the inside of his shoe and we'll go over one

pixel and up a pixel then let's draw to the left three pixels and down one let's repeat the same thing over here in one up one and then over to the right three and then down one now let's color that Row in for the next row let's start here on the left side of his leg we'll go up one and then we'll go all the way over to the other leg and then down one to line up with the outside then we can also connect right here and then let's color that Row in for the next row we're going to do

two at the same time so we'll come in one from the side of his leg and we'll go up two then over one down one over one up one we're tracing around this is a yellow pixel for the buttons on his overalls then we'll go over two and we'll repeat the same thing for the little button go down over and up then we'll go over one again and down two to finish those two rows let's color those in next now let's draw his overalls that are going over his shoulders we'll start right here above the button pixel and

we'll go up three pixels one two three three then over one and down two then over two and up two then we'll go over one and then connect down to the button now above each of the pixels for the buttons we're going to connect or draw a line over them now let's color in that u-shape now let's switch to our red 15 and we'll color in his shirt first let's draw a line in between his overalls and we can color those four pixels in now let's draw his left sleeve we'll start here on his shoulder we'll go over

two pixels down one then let's draw a stair going down so over one down one and we'll do that one more time over one down down one next let's go in two pixels down one pixel and over one pixel and it will Connect into his pants now we're going to create that same shape for his right sleeve we'll go over two down one let's do two stairs one and two next we'll go into down down and over one now we can color those two shapes in solid now it's really starting to look like Mario yeah yeah let's switch to our yellow marker 35 and we'll color in his buttons next we'll use 24 this is kind

of an orange tan color we'll use for his skin tone and let's start with his hands we'll start on the edge of his sleeve and we'll go down three pixels one two three and then Connect into his pants then we'll do the same thing over here down three pixels and Connect into his pants now let's color in his hands solid now we're ready to color his face let's start here on his shoulder we'll go in one pixel from his sleeve and then

we'll go up a pixel we can do the same thing over here if it helps we can start here on the sleeve go in one and up one then let's color or connect those two lines together and color that Row in for Mario let's make his face a little wider we can add a little pixel right here when we do the same thing for Luigi we can change the colors but then leave this pixel off so his face is a little thinner now let's draw the next row on his face we'll start here on the right side count in two two pixels and

then go up one then we'll draw a line that goes all the way over to the edge or the other edge of his face and then connect down now let's color that Row in now let's start here on the left side we'll count over two so one two and then up one then we'll draw over and we're going to go over four pixels so that it goes past his face one pixel down and then connect back in that should be four pixels across and then we'll color those in we're going to skip a pixel here and we'll color in

three pixels for the start of his nose I like how big Mario's nose will be with the pixels and I'm going to color those in solid now on the next row let's go in one pixel from his nose and then up then we'll count over three pixels this way which is going to go over this little Gap then we'll go down one and then let's connect over top of the Gap let's color those three pixels in now then we're going to skip a pixel and we'll draw one up then let's count over four pixels

down one and then back over one so we should have four that are outlined and we'll color those in then we'll start here on the left side and we'll go in one and then draw up one then we're going to draw over three pixels and then down and then right here we're going to skip one and then we're going to outline one pixel it's his face is kind starting to look weird yeah we need to add his mustache his eye and also his ear let's color these three in and also this one that's over here yeah it's looking

really weird he looks scary now we're going to start over here on the side of his head or his neck and we're going to draw up two we'll go up two then to the left one down two and then to the right one then let's color in those two pixels this is his ear let's switch back to our Brown number 94 we'll color in one pixel below his ear this is for the start of his hair then let's color in two pixels next to his ear then right above his ear we'll draw one pixel up and then we'll draw three pixels over

and connect to his face this looks like the letter j or backwards J we're going to color this in this is his hair and also his sideburns now we're ready to draws his mustache and also his eyee we have our black marker we're going to start right here on his mouth and we'll draw over two pixels one two and then connect up to his nose then right here on his eye we'll draw a line that connects the top of his eye we're going to color in these two pixels and also his mustache what's Mario missing his hatot

yeah we're switching back to our red mark number 15 and let's draw the bill of his hat first we'll start right here on his forehead and we're going to draw two pixels over to the right then we'll draw one up then we're going to draw four to the left and it should line up with the top of his eye and we'll connect down to his eye then let's start over here on the left side of his head we'll draw up one then over and up another one now we're going to draw the top of his hat going all the way over to the

top of his eye where we ended and we'll connect down now we're ready to color these two shapes in solid red we finished coloring Mario let's flip over our paper and remove the grid and then when we flip our paper back over all you can see is the drawing good job man did you have fun yeah that was a lot of fun yeah it turned out awesome I hope our our friends had a lot of fun too you can pause the video to finish coloring you can even add a background yeah we really do hope you had a lot of fun joy Mario with us and we'll see you.

later our friends goodbye

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