Hey friends, day we're going to draw a pickaxe yeah from Minecraft and we hope you're going to follow along with us for this lesson we're also using our mining grid and parents and adults you can download this at artforkidshub.com we'll leave a link below this video you ready to start yes now you can color right on this piece of paper once you print it out or you could do another little trick that we're going to do and use our marker paper on top of it so let me tear out a piece for you there you go and a
piece for me there you go oh you can still see it yeah yeah and that's the cool thing we're using Canon brand marker paper this is my favorite it works really well with alcohol based markers which our brand is alcohol-based these are different than water-based like Crayola markers and before we start let's turn over our paper and we're going to tape down the grid so that it doesn't move when we're drawing so we'll Center it on your paper and then put a little piece of tape down and this is
the same sheet of paper that we used in our last lesson for a sword the other cool thing is you can use this for several drawings if you put a piece of paper on top we're first using our black marker and we'll use this to outline the main shape of our pickaxe so we'll start down here and we're going to draw two squares here in the corner and two squares in so I went down and over then we'll draw eight steps up and to the right so we'll go upward one pixel and then over a pixel there's one
step then we're going to do that seven more times for a total of eight so two 3 four five am I going too fast yes six seven you got to hit pause our friends can pause the video but you can't no how many do you have um so there's one you can count these Corners wait did you count this as one no just count this corner right here the point 1 2 3 six yeah six I'm on 1 2 3 four five six seven do you have seven there we go and then the last one create the last part of the step too so I'm going to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8
then we're going to do eight steps up here so this these steps are going in first and then up so there's one step and then take two steps three and we should end in the same kind of the same place as the first set of stairs yes just like that there's the handle for our pickaxe then we'll draw four pixels down one two three 4 one two and let's do the other side at the same time so we can repeat the same step so we're going to do four steps or four pixels going to the left four then let's draw one pixel up
here at the end and also one pixel to the right then we're going to draw another pixel to the left up and then back to the right so we got this one little pixel sticking out and then we're going to do the same thing but going down over here then we'll add one pixel up and then across we're going to go five pixels 1 2 3 4 five let's do the same thing over here one pixel to the right and then five pixels up then one pixel down and to the left over here then we'll draw three pixels to the right and three pixels down
and connect we did it we drew the main shape of our pickaxe now it's time to color the first two colors we have picked out our 103 Brown if you're using the same art for kids Hub set you can use the same numbers and we also have our Diamond color number 63 yeah and you could change your pickaxe so it's not Diamond it could be iron or even better better netherite netherite would be the best oh Enchanted netherite uh let's start with our 103 Brown and we'll first we're going to color it in
solid and then we're going to add the texture later let's start right here we're going to draw two stairs so one we'll start at the top right here top of the handle and we'll draw a stair down over and down and then over and down again right here we're going to draw a box with four pixels in it now we'll color the handle and also these four pixels solid Brown this part will speed up so remember to pause the video for extra time oh and also let's color the pickaxe with our turquoise Diamond
color I think I'm going to change the diamond color to 312 instead of 63 it's a little closer cuz it's more green yeah I like this color more than the other one we had picked out because it's slightly Greener it's more turquoise yeah to keep the lesson simple you can leave your drawing just like this except I think it needs the texture to make it look more like Minecraft this is a little trickier because we're using our alcohol based markers we can layer the colors so we have cg7 this is a dark
gray that we're going to layer on top of the colors that we've already added so first let's start up here in the top left and we're going to color in this pixel so it's darker but it still has the turquoise tint to it then let's draw a line all the way across and if you can see the grid underneath you could use that as a guide and then right here on the handle let's draw a line up for one pixel and then across to the other side then we're going to color in this rectangle and also the top
one next let's draw a line down here for one pixel then we'll go across to here and then we'll draw a line down two pixels and connect so over two down two and then connect then we'll color in this L shape now let's draw a line straight down from here to connect to the bottom then we can color in this rectangle and let's also color this bottom pixel in then we can draw a line straight up and then connect to the handle and color in this rectangle now let's add the texture to the handle we'll first draw a line
straight across the bottom of the handle then we're going to draw stairs all the way up the side of the handle then let's color the bottom too and all of the pixels going up the side of the handle now we'll switch to cg5 and we're going to color in this first pixel here but also all of the pixels going up the side of the handle so we can do this same thing it will actually connect with the dark pixel on the other side too so we can draw a stairs going all the way up and then we'll color in these pixels
this is a slightly lighter gray so it it's not as dark as the pixels on this side the last step we'll use cg1 this is our lightest gray and we can add a little Shadow or darken the pixel here so we'll skip this one and then we'll darken that one in then we'll skip a pixel and dark this one in skip darken in the next one and the same thing all the way up the handle you can barely see it so if you want you could also wait till it dries and then add another layer then on the pickaxe we're going to
skip two pixels so one two and then we'll darken in two pixels on the Diamond Part we we'll do the same thing down here we'll skip two pixels and then darken in two pixels okay let's do one more thing we'll use our white colored pencil and we'll just add a light layer on top of this one pixel and then we'll do the same thing down here just lightly press on your pencil so that it doesn't color it in solid white now we can flip over our paper and let's take off the grid and then we can flip it back over
and we did it we finished drawing our pickaxe our diamond pickaxe it looks awesome Hadley you did a good job thanks did you have fun yeah I hope our friends had fun too remember it's okay that your drawings don't have to look like ours the most important thing is to have fun yeah and to practice practice we hope you had a lot of fun drawing a Minecraft pickaxe.
we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye.