How To Draw A Minecraft Creeper Face

How To Draw A Minecraft Creeper Face

Hey our friends, today we're going to draw a creeper head yeah we hope you're going to follow along it's going to be a lot of fun and for this lesson you can also download our face grid we made this and it's downloadable on our website at so parents and adults you can visit the link below this video to download this you can also just follow along with us you don't have to use this grid you could use any grid really yeah all right you ready to start yes once you download and print the grid

you can draw right on this piece of paper if you want but we're going to do a little extra trick to make it look even cooler we're going to use our marker paper on top see how the grid shows through yeah it's pretty nice the marker paper is kind of thin but it doesn't go through the marker yeah the mar the marker doesn't go through the marker paper yeah at least this kind we're using Canon brand if you have the same paper you can use this but any marker paper will work if you're using

markers and also you can use other art supplies like color pencils or even crayons instead of markers let's flip over our paper and we're going to tape down the grid so that it doesn't move while we're drawing on top of it we'll put one piece of tape up here at the top once we get it lined up piece of tape on yours thank you there we go and then we'll flip it back over and we're ready to draw we're using our art for kids Hub markers and we picked out three colors dark medium and a light green and the

numbers if you have the same set and want to use the same colors 54 is the dark green 59 is the medium and 166 is the light green let's oh and also we need a black let's start with our black and draw the eyes and also the mouth Yes this grid is different than our other grid this one is eight boxes or pixels wide and eight pixels tall our other one is 16x 16 and this works great for faces and any face in Minecraft let's start with drawing the mouth we're going to start over here in the corner and count

two pixels in so one two and we're going to start here and we're going to draw up three pixels so we'll go one 2 3 then we're going to draw over one pixel and up also a pixel then let's draw over two pixels or boxes and then down one now let's go over one we're going to match the other side and then we'll draw all the way down to the bottom of the Grid it's already starting to look like a creeper yeah then let's draw over one down here at the bottom on the left and also over here on the

right then we're going to draw up one pixel over two and down one to connect there's the shape of our mouth it looks awesome now we're going to draw the eyes we're going to start in the corner right here and we're g to draw up two over two down two and then back in to connect so we got a perfect square let's repeat that same shape over here for the right eye we'll go up two to match over two down two and back in to connect this next part will Fast Forward I'm switching to the other side of my marker

the thick side and we'll color in the eyes and also the mouth so you can pause the video if you need extra time to color in your drawings now we're ready to use our green markers and color in the texture of our creeper to keep this easy you could just color the whole thing solid green but creepers are really crazy colors yeah textured yeah they have really cool textures now let's start with our 166 our light green and let's color in this top left square or pixel now let's skip two pixels and

color in this one now we'll skip this pixel and color in the next two on this row now on this next row we're going to color in the second pixel then we'll Skip One and color in the next one then we'll skip another pixel and then color in two more next for the eyes we're going to color the two rows together so these two will color with the medium green oh I totally got mixed up this is our light green isn't it yeah oh no let's switch to our medium green 59 I got really mixed up let's we're going to

let's come back up here we're going to color these two right here with the medium green I got really carried away and mixed up because there's so many colors yeah on of this creeper phase I don't know that's fun though right there's no there's no mistakes now that we have the medium green let's keep going let's start back up here at the top and we're going to color in these three pixels right here that we left white let's also layer over these two pixels then let's color these two in

between the Creeper's eyes then before we switch Colors Let's color in this pixel and one below it we're going to skip around a little now let's switch to our dark green number 54 and we'll color in some of these other squares up here at the top so we're going to color this one in then we'll jump over here and let's color in these two and then we can color in this top Corner let's keep the dark green and Skip around and color in all of the dark green pixels we'll do one underneath the

eye right here then let's skip a pixel and come diagonal and color in this box we can also color in the box that's down and to the left from that one we'll skip all the way over to the left side and color in these two pixels next to the mouth we're done with our green marker let's put that off to the side and switch back to our light green number 166 we'll color in this one right between the eyes and while we're here let's also layer the pixel right above that one it'll make it slightly

darker we'll do more layering but let's color in right here we're going to color in these three I'm going to go oh all the way over so we'll color in these two and these these two then let's also color the pixels in between the mouth or the chin whatever it is yeah what the inside of the mouth is a weird mouth it is it's a frowny it's a scary mouth actually yeah anytime I see this face I start running or something blows up yeah or something does blow up if I don't run fast enough now let's switch back to our

medium number 59 and we'll color in these bottom two then we'll also color in these two on the right side and also this bottom [Music] corner to add a little more texture I'm going to layer over this pixel make it slightly darker and also Alo this pixel on the right side in between the eyes we actually have one more green 319 because we have these white pixels they are slightly green on the creeper yeah but you don't have to add this if you don't want to if you don't have a light enough green but we're going to color

these in so they're just super light these even might be too dark because these pixels look very white on the creeper instead of coloring those in you could also just use your medium grein and Trace around the outside I'm going to add a little border going around the whole thing we did it we finished drawing our creeper faces let's flip over our paper and remove the grid give me five jack we did it and your creeper looks awesome did you have fun yes a lot of fun this is one of my favorites and I can't wait to do this

with all of our other faces oh we should do our own faces from games for kids Hub yeah that would be really cool and our friends could even do their own faces we hope you had a lot of fun drawing a creeper face.

we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye.

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