How To Draw A Cheeseburger Pixel Art (Hamburger)

How To Draw A Cheeseburger Pixel Art (hamburger)

Hey friends, here going to draw hamburger yeah we hope you're going to follow along with us we're going to draw in pixel art style so parents you can download and print out the pixel grid guide from our website we'll leave a link below this video all right you ready to start yes when you download and print this out you can draw directly on this piece of paper or we're going to do a little trick we're going to put our marker paper on top of it and you can still see the grid showing through the

paper and then when we're all done we can remove the grid and you'll just see the drawing yeah before we draw we're going to flip over our paper and tape the grid to the other side so that it doesn't move when we're drawing and a piece of tape for you now we're ready to flip over our paper and let's draw we're using our arer kids hub black marker first and if you have the same markers you can follow along with us or you can use a different brand and just try to match our colors you could

even use something completely different like crayons or colored pencils let's start down here in the bottom left corner so we'll go up one box and then in three boxes and then let's draw a line right there so 1 2 3 and then draw a line then we'll do the same thing on this side up one and then in three and then draw a line there you go and then we'll connect the bottom of those two lines oh squeaky marker and then we're going to connect the top of those two lines then let's color in all of those

squares we're first using our black marker to draw the outside of our Burger now let's start here in the top left corner we'll go out one box and then we're going to go up three boxes and then let's jump over here to this side and do the same thing out one box and then up three boxes then we can connect these two lines all the way across now let's come back to where we started and we'll go up two boxes and same thing over here up to pixels then we'll connect those two lines together

also now let's color in this big upside down U now let's draw one over from here up another one in and down one so we just have one pixel diagonal we're going to draw another pixel diagonal over here on this side then we're going to draw a pixel diagonal on the inside and then we'll do the the same thing over here on the right now let's do one more diagonal going out on both sides oh I like that you went in instead of out that's okay that's totally fine let's do another one right.

here good job this one you don't have to color in but we're going to color in these three and also these three over there now let's start here and we'll draw one pixel in and then we'll go up four pixels then we'll go back out one and then down to connect where we started let's do the same thing over here we'll start on the inside corner we'll go in one then we'll go up four out one and back down down to connect and then go out one and then back down yes there you go okay now right here.

let's draw one pixel in diagonal and then we're going to do the same thing over here we'll go in one pixel let's start here on the corner we'll go up one and then let's go over over here on the inside corner and go up one also okay now let's connect the top of those two lines and then we'll start here on that corner where we first started and connect over to the other side also all right let's jump down here we're going to start in this corner and we'll go up one pixel and then we're going to draw a

line that goes all the way over to the other side then we can come back over here go up one pixel and draw another line all the way across okay now let's color in all of those shapes we did it there's the outside shape of our Burger our cheeseburger now we're ready to color in our Burgers let's start with the color 24 which is a light brown and we're going to color in the bottom bun and also the top bun this part will fast forward so remember to pause the video for extra time now we're ready to color the Patty

and we're using 94 a dark brown and we'll start right here and we could draw a line all the way across to the other side and then we'll color in below that line then let's use 33 yellow to color in the cheese I'm going to start here up one pixel from the Patty and we can draw a line all the way across to the other side and then we'll do the same thing and color below it next let's use 15 red we'll start here on this one pixel up from the cheese and we're going to count over 1 2 3 4 5 and we can draw a line here so that

we have five boxes on the left side of that red then we're going to skip two and we can draw another line then let's connect this red line over to the left and this red line over to the right and then we're going to color in these are the tomatoes you could also leave this off or maybe it's ketchup if you don't like tomatoes now for our last color 46 Green we'll use to color in the lettuce and we did it awesome we finished drawing our cheeseburgers

except you got that one little pixel right there with an outline I think we could change it into something yes we should all right we did it we changed your drawing and I love how it looks now it has a funny face yeah you've got the teeth down here and the eyes yeah so there's no mistakes yeah the most important thing is to have fun yeah and our friends can change their drawings too you could change the funny face you could also change the toppings yeah maybe add bacon oh yeah bacon would make our Burgers even better yes oh and we

also need to take off the grid okay now now we're completely done we removed the grid and all you can see is the drawing yes did you have fun yeah that was a lot of fun and we hope you had a lot of fun too and we'll see you later our friends goodbye.

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