Hey Art friends, today we are going to draw a bald eagle yeah we hope you're going to follow along it's going to be a lot of fun and for this lesson we're using our freedom grid as a guide now parents and teachers you can visit artforkidshub.com to download this free printable print it out and then follow along with us you ready to start yes you could draw directly on this piece of paper or we're going to use our marker paper on top of it so that at the very end we can pull the grid off and you
won't see it you'll just see the drawing so here's your sheet of paper and one for me then let's flip our paper over and we'll line it up and use a piece of tape to hold it down so that it doesn't move then we can flip our paper back over and we're ready to draw we're using our art for kids Hub markers if you have the same set we've already picked out our colors we're using 120 black we also have a dark brown number one then a medium brown 103 orange 34 and wg1 yeah wg1 is a warm gray a really light warm
gray and we're going to use that color first we're going to start in the top left corner and we're going to count over seven blocks 1 2 3 4 5 6 s and then the square right below that one we're going to draw four blocks over and one down and then we can color we're going to color all four of these squares in next we'll start in the bottom left corner of those blocks that we've colored in and we're going to draw a line over and down one block over one down then we're going to do that again
one block over and one down then we'll draw two blocks over and two blocks up and it should connect so that we have this backwards L shape let's repeat that same step over here but going the other direction one over one down then we're going to repeat that one over one down then two to the left and two up and we should have the letter L on the side now let's color in those two shapes with these pixel art lessons we do a lot of fast forwarding so remember to pause the video if you need extra time now we're going to start over here
on the left and we're going to draw down three pixels then one over and then we'll draw back up let's color in these three blocks then on this side we'll draw down two over one and then we can draw a line back up and color these two squares in there's the main shape of our Bald Eagle's head now we're going to draw over here we're going to draw a line that goes three pixels over so we're going to overlap and then go one further in this is our little eyebrow over our Eagles and then
I went down a pixel and then went all the way over and let's color these in these three squares and this is one of my favorite things about using alcohol-based markers is once the first layer is dry you can go back over it and it will look darker now let's switch to our black marker and we'll draw the eye for eagle and we'll just color in this one square right underneath the eyebrow now we're switching to our 34 orange we'll start at the top of the eyebrow and we'll draw a line over two
squares and down three squares then to the right one then up and over one there's the outline of our beak and let's color that in solid we'll use that same orange for the feet but let's first draw the body and we're switching to our 103 Brown and we'll start over here we're going to draw four squares down 1 2 3 4 we'll go over one and then back up let's color those squares in I changed my mind let's actually switch to our darkest Brown number one and we're going to color over those
pixels that we just colored in so the four pixels down let's just layer on top of that we're going to use this dark brown for the outline of our Eagle's body then on the right side let's draw one pixel down and one over over then let's turn this into an L so we'll go down one to the left two and then back up for two more and we'll color in that L shape now let's start here and we'll draw down four pixels again it should extend one further than the left side and then we can draw a line over and
then back up and color these four pixels in next over here we'll draw a line down one square and then a line all the way across to connect to the other side now we're going to color in this bottom row of pixels we'll draw or color in one pixel that's diagonal from the body then we'll skip a square and color in this one next to it let's also add the wing we're gonna start here on this tail we're going to skip a pixel or go over two pixels and then all the way up to here and color
this one pixel in so you can count over two from the tail and then go directly up and then color that one in next let's go up and over diagonal we're going to draw a line straight here and then we'll go up to over one and then back down two it should connect let's color those in too there's the outline of our Eagle's body now let's switch to our 103 Brown this is the lighter brown let's start here we're going to draw a line over one square then down one square then we'll draw a line almost all
the way over I stopped one square before the end and then we'll go up one and over one I think my wing is different than yours oh that's okay you have one extra pixel there that's fine it still looks perfect okay right here you can draw to that point and then go up one and over no mistakes right nope the most important thing is to have fun and to practice Yeah if our our friend's drawings are different too that's okay all right now let's color in all of these pixels below that Brown Line that
we just drew remember to pause the video for extra time okay now let's color in this Square for the tail and let's also color one above the tail right here next we're switching back to our orange marker and we're ready to finish our drawing by adding the feet we'll start here one pixel over on the bottom and we're going to draw one down one to the left and down again then we'll draw two over and two up then we'll count over two squares so one two and we're going to draw the line down over and down
again then two to the right and two up there's our little Eagle feet now we're ready to color those in and we did it let's flip our paper over and take off the grid and we did it we finished drawing and coloring our bald eagles and they turned out perfect did you have fun I did I hope our friends had fun also you could pause the video and finish your draw by adding a background you can add a flag or fireworks oh fireworks would be really cool we hope you had fun drawing a bald eagle with us.
we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later art friends goodbye