Hey our friends today we're learning how to draw baby Garfield I hope you're excited and you're going to follow along with me let's get started I'm using my alcohol based markers to draw with I also have marker paper to draw on but you can use whatever you have at home or in the classroom like a pencil or even a crayon let's first start by drawing Garfield's nose right in the middle of our paper we're going to draw a really small oval then we're going to draw his snout I'm going to draw a little upside
down V for his mouth then we're going to draw his snout curving around and connecting to the side of his nose and then we'll do the same thing on the right side then let's draw a straight line going up or coming down to his nose and then we're going to draw his eyes and they're really big we're going to start here on the left side we're going to curve around and then back into the top of his snout and then we could do the same thing on the right side we'll curve up around and back into his nose and then we're
going to draw the inside of his eyes or the pupils and Iris we're going to draw a big circle for his really big eyes and then we'll do that same size circle over here for the other one and then we'll draw the Highlight we're going to draw a smaller Circle in the top left of each eye and then we'll draw this pupil or the black part we're going to draw a circle but it connects to the highlight and we'll do the same thing over here then let's color in the pupil and if I ever go too fast remember you can
pause the video for extra time all right now we're ready to draw his head we're going to start up here and we're going to draw the little fur sticking out we're going to draw the letter M but the sides of the M curve out then we're going to draw his big head we're going to start here and and we're going to draw a big oval shape that comes around keep going and then we'll connect into the other side of his fur now we need to draw his ears and we're going to draw two upside down V
shapes one on the left and one over here on the right and then we can draw the inside of his ears we'll draw that same upside down V but smaller inside next let's draw his pause I'm going to draw two lines straight down from his chin and then we'll curve around almost like we're going to connect back into his leg but we'll stop there and then we'll do that same curve around for the other side or his other foot then let's give him toe lines we draw two curves on on the left and also
on the right now we need to draw his back feet we're going to draw an oval shape but only part of it because it's behind his front paws and we can do that same oval shape on the right side then let's draw a smaller circle inside of his foot this is for the bottom of his paws and then we can also draw his toe lines we'll draw two curv curves on top of his foot now let's connect his feet into his body on both sides and also draw his belly now we still need to draw his tail let's draw the letter U but sideways
letter youu right here and then we'll keep it going and curve around and Connect into his foot now we got the main shape of Garfield but we still need to add some of his details like his whiskers let's draw one whisker coming out and up to the left and they kind of look like raindrop shapes so they're thick on the outside but then come down to a point when they connect to his head then let's draw that same shape over here and then we can draw two more on each side these I'm going to curve down
though and then we'll come back in and on this side we'll curve down just like we did on the left side and then let's do one more that's smaller but still curved and then back in now we still need to add his stripes but let's do that after we color his whole body orange this part will speed up so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings also we're almost finished with our drawing of baby Garfield he doesn't quite look like Garfield because it needs his stripes now you can pause the video to
catch up and color your drawings to this point I used orange for the main body also used the darker orange for shading pink for the feet also for the nose then yellow for the snout and a light blue to add shading in the eyes now to add the stripes we're going to draw a zigz line right here on the cheek so I'm going to start here and we're just going to add a zigzag and then it kind of gets to a point or kind of a triangle sideways triangle shape let's add another one so I'm going to draw zigzag this also makes
him look furry so there's another stripe and then we'll add one more stripe down here so let's repeat those same three stripes on the right side we'll start big and then add the zigzag but get smaller towards the inside of his head then we could do the same thing for the second stripe and also the third stripe he also has little Stripes up here on his ears add three little spikes then for his tail he has little stripes on his tail but the end of his tail is dark so I'm going to add zigzags here but color in the end of his tail so
it's solid black he also has stripes on his back but I don't think you can see him from the front view I'm going to do one more thing and Trace around the outside to make the line thicker I just like how it looks and to add the last little touch.
I use my acrylic paint marker to make the highlights in his eyes bigger and also a second smaller one and we're done we finished coloring and drawing baby Garfield he turned out really cool and I'm sure your drawings look awesome too remember it's okay if your drawings look different than mine the most important thing is to have fun and practice and I hope you had a lot of fun following along with me and drawing baby Garfield and we'll see you later our friends goodbye.