Hey Art friends today we're learning how to draw a moth I hope you're going to follow along with me you need your drawing supplies I'm going to use markers but you can use whatever you have let's get started let's first draw the moth head I'm going to draw it really small in the middle of my paper I kind of Drew it off to the left but that's okay we're going to draw a another bigger shape right below that and then let's draw the furry back to our moth so I'm going to draw a
zigzag line coming down on each side and then we can also come down to a point we'll draw a sharp letter V now let's draw the antenna and we're going to draw the center of the antenna coming up to the right also up to the left to match and moths have this really wild Leaf shaped to the antenna so we're going to draw a big curve on each side oh it's looking so cool now let's draw the wings we're going to start here and we're going to draw curving we're drawing straight actually and then right
at the end we'll curve down now because my drawing is a little off to the left to the body I'm not going to come all the way to the same distance on on the right side we'll have more space over here because I'm trying to make the wings the same and that's okay if they're not exactly the same we're just practicing now let's curve here at the end then we'll S curve back out and then we're going to curve in and aim towards the top of the body that let's do that same shape over here we'll curve
in S curve back out and then we'll curve back into the top of the moth body that looks awesome and it's turning out really cool and it's okay if your drawings look different than mine the most important thing is to have fun and practice I'm sure drawings are turning out really cool now let's draw the really awesome long tail to our wings the back Wings we're going to draw an upside down letter V that curves out and we'll do the same we're going to draw it really long this might be a
little too long that's okay I think it looks a lot cooler if we exaggerate how long the tail comes back it's not really the tail but it looks like it it's connected to the wings now right here we're going to overlap this back Wing coming through and past and we'll do the same on this side come out past the top Wing or the front Wings then we'll start on this side we'll curve in then we'll curve out and we'll come back in and connect let's do the same thing on this side curve in
out and back in next up here at the top we're going to add a second line that goes right next to the front of the wing but then we're going to taper and get thinner to a point at the end of the wing and we'll do the same on the right side then let's also draw two spots on the wings one on each side and then here we're going to curve from that front part and back up it looks like a curved letter V we can do the same here then let's add a spot here in the middle of the back WI and we could also make the top of this
spot a little darker with our black marker let's also come back up here and we'll connect across the body and we did it that's a simple way to draw a moth except we're not completely done we still need to color it this part I'll fast forward so remember at the end you can pause the video to match my same coloring we finished drawing and coloring our moth and it looks so cool all colored in I hope you'll take time to color your drawings you can pause the video to match my same coloring if you have the
same Marker set or art for kids Hub alcohol-based markers you can use the same colors I used 57 it's kind of a green blue for the main color on the moth then I also used 35 yellow for the body and 92 a dark brown for the top and also the antenna then I use cg1 to add a Shadow to make it look more 3D also used an orange colored pencil to add texture to the fur on the back of my moth and I hope you had a lot of fun following along with me and drawing your own moth remember it's okay if your drawings look
different than mine the most important thing is to have fun and practice and we'll see you later our friends goodbye hey parents and teachers did you know that we have a book series called draw with art for kids Hub our Animals book is already out and ready for you to order it's filled with 30 awesome step-by-step drawing projects that your kids will love we also have two more fun books that release later but you can pre-order them now cute and funny foods will be available on August 13th 2024 and our Christmas book perfect for the holiday season it releases on September 3rd 2024.
You can find all of these books through the link in the description below this video thanks for being part of our art family and I hope you keep drawing and having fun.