Hey Art friends today we're going to draw a monster stack folding surprise so when it's folded up it'll just look like one monster but then when you open it it will be three monsters I hope you're going to follow along with me you need your drawing supplies I'm going to use a marker you also need some paper all right let's get started first we're going to put our marker off to the side so that we can fold our paper we'll take the top Edge line it up with the bottom Edge oh and I'm also using marker paper
since I'm drawing with markers but you can use whatever you have at home we in the classroom you can use a pencil and just regular paper now that we have the paper folded in half let's line up this top flap with the top Edge and then crease it down then we're going to flip our paper over and repeat that same step and also remember it's just me in the studio so I might go a little faster than usual so you can pause the video if you need extra time there we go we'll crease that down this is just a guide fold so we'll
unfold it and then fold flatten it out so it's easier to draw on and then we'll flip our paper back over when we're all done it should look like this I'm also going to use a scratch piece of paper underneath my drawing paper to protect the table let's start with our first monster and we're going to draw it with a big upside down U shape but we can also add little zigzags so let's start at the top we're going to draw over the top of this fold I'm going to draw it like this this so I'm going to add some
zigzags but then we're going to keep going over and then we can add zigzags over on this side too and then connect to the fold then we're going to extend each side down and we can add even more zigzags if we want there we go and then I'm going to extend this side down too with more zigzags on the side then let's connect these two lines together I'm going to draw zigzags again so our monster is really furry you can add more zigzags or less you don't have to make it look exactly like mine in fact don't worry about trying to
make it look exactly the same it's okay if yours is different the most important thing is to have fun and to practice okay now let's add some feet we'll draw a letter U here kind of a sideways letter U and one over here for the other foot oh and we have to add toe lines on both feet and horns said one horn on the left and same horn on the right but going the other direction you could also add extra things to your monster you could add wings maybe you have five eyes on your monster or we could just add one eye.
I'm going to draw one eye there we go Circle right in the middle and let's draw another Circle for the pupil and we could also add that little highlight and then let's color in this circle but leave the little one white let's also add a mouth I'm going to draw it really happy and also some teeth oh and one more thing let's add some arms we draw a letter U with two little finger lines and same thing over here we did it there's our first Monster now we can open up our paper and then let's flatten out those folds so it's easier
to draw on we should have half of our monster up here and half down here now we can connect these and also add another monster inside let's draw the top one first let's extend this down a little bit further and let's change this monster so it doesn't look exactly the same as this down here at the bottom I'm going to make this one a lot shorter but we're going to add more zigzag for the fur and let's add crazy claw feet this time so.
I'm going to draw a curve that comes out then we'll draw a curved upside down V and then another curve to connect into the body oh and we could also add little claws for the hands on each side remember to pause the video if you want to add different details okay now let's draw the next monster that this one's standing on and we're going to draw it so that this one's on its head so I'm I'm going to TRW it coming out to the side like this and we'll add zigzags I'm going to draw curving out like this too and more zigzags maybe these zigzags on this
monster are more round now let's connect the two sides together and I'm going to curve it up so that it feels like it's really sitting on the next Monster's head so it's got this little curve going like that okay now let's add more feet one over here and one over here and maybe this one has the arms coming up oh and Claws so we got it's kind of a combination between these two we got the U shape upside down U and then also the claws there we go oh one more to match on the other side and this one is going to have two eyes.
I'm going to draw draw them in between the feet and then uh let's have little highlights and we'll color in the big circle like we always do and oh I'm going to make another circle around this one for the white part of the eye and then and then we'll draw a really big smile for this one and and maybe teeth yes teeth going a big tooth and a small tooth going down instead of up yeah okay there's there's our second monster now let's finish the last monster.
I'm going to draw his head coming up and connecting in here this one's going to seem a little taller now so it's going up a lot higher o and let's give him one really big eye there we go we got a big circle and and then we'll draw the pupil inside the highlight and then color in there we go and then this mouth is going right next to the eye and just one tooth out to the side and we did it we finished trying our monster stack except.
We still need to color it this part will fast forward but remember you can pause the video at the end if you want to match my same coloring you could also color your drawings any way you want and you can even add more things to the folding surprise you just want to make sure that when you're drawing stuff for the inside that it's below this top fold and above the bottom fold that way when it's folded like this it's completely hidden all right let's speed things up all right we did it we finished drawing and coloring our monster stack turned out awesome all colored in I hope you
take time to color your drawings also but I got to show you the inside here you go there it is it's all done and we also have an extra monster I added them and you can add as many things to your drawing as you want you don't have to keep it the same and also remember the bottom monster needs to match the top monster monster with the same color but when I opened it up I wanted to change the color so I just added it above this bottom fold so he's a pink and yellow monster but that way when it's closed up
he matches you could add other monsters or even something completely different like a dragon I hope you had a lot of fun following along with me and drawing your own monster stack and remember it's okay if your drawings look different than mine the most important thing is to have fun and practice and we'll see you later art friends goodbye.