Hey Art friends today we're going to draw a really cool alien I'm super excited and I hope you are too I also hope you're going to follow along with me you need your drawing supplies we're using pencils first and then markers we also have marker paper that we're drawing on but you can use whatever you have at home or in the classroom let's get started we're using our pencil first to draw the main shape of our alien especially the head we want to draw it really big so I'm going to draw a big
circle in the middle of my paper but towards the top now the nice thing about drawing with our pencil is that we can get the shape just the way we want it before we use our marker and don't worry about making it perfect you can add a couple lines to get it just the way you want and then erase the other lines that you don't want to keep okay now let's draw the body oh we're going to draw a neck first so I'm going to draw two little lines then we're going to draw the shoulders I'm going to draw them
coming out to the side then we're going to draw the body coming down and back up so we got this U shape and then for the shoulders let's add a circle on each side and then for the elbows let's draw another circle and a diagonal we could even add a diagonal line first and then draw the circle let's do that over here too we'll draw a diagonal line down and then a circle for the elbow and then we'll draw another line coming down for the forearm and then we'll draw a bigger Circle for the hand
let's do that same thing over here so we got a line then a bigger Circle for the hand okay now let's draw the legs and before let's draw hips so we're going to draw two circles for the hips and then we're going to draw lines coming down for the top of the leg or the thighs then we can draw the knees and then let's draw the rest of the leg coming down I'm going to change this one so it's coming out more this way and then we can erase that extra line there we go and then down here at the bottom we got our feet.
I'm going to draw a bigger Circle this is a simple way to draw the figure first we're actually drawing a stick figure but we have circles for the joints so now down here at the bottom we have the foot so we'll draw the bottom of the foot and then the top of the shoe or the boot and we can do the same thing going this way top of the or the bottom of the boot and the top of the boot I know this looks really funny but now we're going to switch to our marker and we're going to start adding those
details and make it look really cool let's first start with the face I'm going to draw two little dots for the nostrils and then I'm going to draw my alien kind of angry a frowny face and then let's draw the eyes I'm going to draw two more guide points right above the nose but outside those aren't the eyes those are just those are just guide points although if our alien had small eyes like that that would be pretty funny we're going to draw and make these a lot bigger so first I'm going to draw a
curve that comes out from that guide point and towards the end of the head and then we're going to come back in and connect so these guide points help us get the spacing so that it's even on both sides then we're going to draw the top of the eye coming out too and then we'll draw it coming back down and curving into that guide point oh it's already starting to look really cool now let's add the antenna I'm going to start close to the eye down here and we'll draw it curving out and we'll do
the same line it up and then curve out and make it look symmetrical on both sides let's make the antenna thicker I'm going to start here and we'll come down we'll do the same thing on this side draw it right next to it and then let's curve and connect the two antenna lines together now let's draw the end of the antenna coming out around and back in so we got this thick little knob on the end of our antenna now we can draw the outside shape of our alien's head and first let's erase the gu guide lines going
through the antenna just so we don't get confused and draw through them with our marker let's start here and we can trace over the pencil line and connect the antenna together and then we'll continue on the outside curving around down to the chin and then we can do the same thing on the right side curve around and into the chin he's looking so cool now let's draw his neck and let's make it look 3D so we're going to draw a curve for a suit and then we can also connect it back in to the side of his neck so it's
coming out of his suit next let's draw his shoulders coming down on each side and let's add a lot of details to the suit first I'm going to draw a light right here on his chest kind of like Iron Man we could even add another Circle going around that oh and we could add another line going around the neck connecting to that light now let's draw his chest coming down on both sides we're going to draw through the guidelines and then we can connect those two lines underneath the light oh let's add more lights.
I'm going to draw one coming down over and back up we could even split it I'm adding a lot of details but you can also change your drawing you could add more or less extra things to a suit now let's draw it coming down on both sides for stomach and then we'll finish the suit coming in and up to the other side next let's draw his legs and we're going to connect the outside of each circle or the joints so we'll start here I'm going to connect over the circle and we'll come down to the knee that's let's do the same thing on
the inside connect to the knee and this might be cool to add a circle for his knees in the suit let's repeat that same step over here for his other leg curve around the circle connect and we'll do the same thing here let's add a circle for the knee oh we could even add another circle around making it bigger kind of like repeating the design for his chest now let's draw the bottom of his legs and also his boots so we'll connect to the back of that Circle the big circle do the same thing on the
other leg then let's draw the front of the leg and then into the boot and then let's connect the bottom of the boot we'll do the same thing on this side down top of the boot and the bottom next let's add more details to his leg legs I'm going to draw two lines at the top of his legs and I keep saying him but it could be a girl too you can change your drawing any way you want let's add I'm going to draw a circle or half circle on each leg and then down here let's draw a circle on the side of his boot or an
oval and then we can draw a curve coming down his foot and well we going to draw two more curves below his knee for the top of his boot let's also make the bottom of his boot thicker we'll draw two lines here and here and then we'll connect those together if I ever go too fast don't worry you can always pause the video for more time you can also pause the video if you want to change your drawings and add more things next let's draw our aliens arms we can draw the shoulders first I'm going to draw an oval just
like we did for the knees and then we'll connect that oval at the top then we can come down and connect to the elbows well let's add a little line here to connect the bottom of the shoulder too then we'll draw our aliens biceps and the inside line I'm going to make longer and then we'll connect with diagonal lines on both sides and we'll make the gloves really big so we'll connect out to the outside of the circle and then let's draw the end of the gloves and then we can draw the hands.
I'm going to draw a letter U on both sides and then we'll draw the thumb on the inside and then we can draw the fingers I'm going to draw another kind of U shape or sideways V for the fingers and then we can draw a line connecting maybe our alien just has three fingers oh and more details on the glove I'm going to draw two ovals or an oval and a circle and then I'm going to draw a line here and also here oh we could also draw two lines on the upper arm and we finished our alien you can add even more things also even a background.
But we still need to color it this part I will fast forward so remember at the end you can pause the video if you want to use my drawing as inspiration for yours but also remember you can change your drawings any way you want all right let's speed things up but first before we color we also got to remember to use our eraser and erase any of the guidelines you can still see [Music] I'm all finished coloring my alien and I hope you guys will take time to color your drawings also you can even finish your drawing by adding a background another thing.
I think is cool is to add more things to your alien like I drew maybe this is a some kind of a gun and then we also have a light and a claw that can pick up the crystals you could add more things maybe you got a spaceship or even planets and even more crystals now I added a lot of extra coloring like shading using my colored pencils but you can keep this lesson even more simple by adding solid colors without the shading.
I hope you had a lot of fun following along with me and drawing your own alien especially changing your drawings coloring it and adding a background and we'll see you later our friends goodbye hey parents and teachers did you know that we have a book series called draw with art for kids Hub our Animals book is already out and ready for you to order it's filled with 30 awesome step-by-step drawing projects that your kids will love we also have two more fun books that release later but you can pre-order them now cute and funny foods will be available on August 13th 2024 and our Christmas book perfect for the holiday season it releases on September 3rd 2024.
You can find all of these books through the link in the description below this video thanks for being part of our art family and I hope you keep drawing and having fun.